Old Dovorian Club North of England Group
Old Dovorians are scattered throughout the United Kingdom and around the globe. It is a natural progression for those who share the bond of an education at Dover College to remain in contact with their former classmates, as well as with Old Dovorians from different years and those who have recently left the school.
The Old Dovorian North of England Group is one of the latest additions, established following a recent survey of club members. This group operates as an independent extension of the Old Dovorian Club.
Its primary aim is to provide Old Dovorians living or working in the area with opportunities to create new connections and contacts.
Sandra Wilson, formerly known as Sandra Hignett (D75 – 77), has kindly offered to manage this group and is looking for ODs willing to help with its formation. If you are an OD who has moved to the area recently and are interested in getting involved, please feel free to contact Sandra via email; she will be happy to assist, or you may contact the Club directly.
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