About The OD Lodge

Old Dovorian Lodge

The Lodge comprises of ODs and non-ODs of all ages, races and creeds and gives them the opportunity to meet regularly. It meets four times a year in London and there is a dinner afterwards.  It also meets each summer in Dover, usually on a Saturday, dining afterwards in the Refectory when guests may be invited and the Headmaster, other staff members and current senior pupils often attend.  This event provides a useful and enjoyable way of keeping in touch with the School and its developments.


A unique relationship exists between the respective School Lodges of St Lawrence College (Old Lawrentian Lodge), Dover College (Old Dovorian Lodge) and Kings School Canterbury (The Cantuarian Lodge) in that the Old Lawrentian Lodge was established first and subsequently recommended and sponsored the Old Dovorian Lodge who in turn eventually sponsored The Cantuarian Lodge. Thus, the relationship between the three East Kent School Public School Lodges, with respective members once in vigorous competition on the playing fields, now in Brotherly co-operation in our individual and combined Masonic work. Historically, the Lodge was formed on Friday 29th January 1937. The Headmaster of Dover College, W S Lee was the first Initiate of the Lodge.

For further Information then please contact the Lodge’s Secretary at [email protected]

Links to Masonic Web Sites For Enlightenment

United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE)

Metropolitan Grand Lodge

Supreme Grand Chapter (Royal Arch Masonry)

Masonic Charitable Foundation

The Library and Museum of Freemasonry

Federation of School Lodges