Dover College War Memorial and Endowment Fund 2020 Annual Report

Dover College War Memorial and Endowment Fund 2020 Annual Report

Dover College War Memorial and Endowment Fund 2020 Annual Report

Dover College War Memorial and Endowment Fund Annual Report 2020

Trustee: The Corporation of Dover College.

Hon. Treasurer: R.D.S. Foxwell Esq

Committee (from 23/06/19)

R.D.S. Foxwell Esq

S. Schilder Esq

J. Ryeland Esq

G. Kitiyakara Esq

Report for the year ending 5th April 2020

The charity is governed by an indenture dated 30th September 1926.  It is registered as a subsidiary charity of Dover College.  

The College is entitled to the whole of the gross income from the trust fund, This may be applied towards any special purpose selected by the Committee, so long as it is legally charitable and for the benefit of the College, or otherwise must be paid to the College for its general purposes.

The accumulated income from 2015/16, 2016,17 and 2017/18 was paid to the College to contribute to the purchase of a statue of, Capt. Billie Neville. 

This was duly unveiled on Armistice Day 2018 in front of School House during the Chapel service.  The income from 2018/19 was paid to the College as a further contribution to the bill which totalled over £17,000, including the plinth.  The 2020 income has again been paid to the College to further cover the statue bill.

Members of the Committee retire every four years and are eligible for re-election.  J Ryeland’s term expires in 2020.


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